Pulling Yourself Out of a Hole and Back Into the World Is Easier Than You Think

You are stronger than you think you are!

Charlene Erazo
3 min readAug 16, 2022
Photo by Prateek Katyal: https://www.pexels.com

Anxiety and depression affects about 41.5% of the U.S. population. Life can get hectic and it is hard to deal with struggle everyday, especially if you don’t have the mental and emotional capacity to do so. There’s work, children, household chores, schooling, self doubt, etc. We must remember that our mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual health is very important, and must be maintained properly in order to ensure great over all health.

So how can you magically pull yourself out of a hole and back into the world? You just do it! You fight! You wake up every single day with a purpose for life. You greet yourself, you love yourself, you eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast and get started.

I know, easier said than done right. Yeah, that is true, but think about it for a second, when you really want something you go and get it right? Like your daily regular coffee, or the newest pair of sneakers or shoes. You want it, you go get it. Why can’t you go get your life back? Don’t you want it?

You see that’s the thing with us humans, we allow our mind to steer in many different directions trying to find something to fill a hole, while forgetting that if it is filled…



Charlene Erazo

🌈she/her Creative Writer, Poetry, Blogs, Short Stories, Articles. Thoughts become letters, letters become words, & it all forms sentences that turn to magic!